Written Word Wednesday with Radio 45’s Gary Bickerstaff
Written Word Wednesday! Musings from the front with a deep understanding of — and respect for — language in all it’s many forms.
So. The written word. Is it going out of fashion? Has it gone out of fashion already? Do people actually write serious articles anymore? Or are there just flashy headlines designed for maximum clicks?
In some ways it does seem like writing is no longer the medium of expression it once was. In others, it seems like everyone fancies themselves a writer, putting their thoughts & opinions out there on every social media platform imaginable. But does anybody really read that stuff?
I know I’ve been guilty of going on about something probably only I care about; only to get involved in pointless debates with people I don’t even know.
There are places, though, where the written word is still practiced & respected. There are websites devoted to thoughtful writing & serious discussion of almost any subject you can think of: music, books, religion, politics, sports, food, alcohol, literature.
In the past year I’ve really enjoyed following writers, authors and journalists on Substack. At any given time, I can dial up an article covering a Senate race, and one on the latest releases from criminally underrated Power Pop artists; then I can move on to what wine pairs best with baked ziti. Or check out an opinion piece; maybe one I don’t agree with.
The written word is not dead. It’s just, like most things, different. It has adapted. Novels. Essays. Real journalism. It’s “aht there.”
I’m figuring out what I’d like this weekly piece to be about. I’d like it to be about discovering, even creating, great writing. More than one wise person has said that to be a great writer, one must be a great reader. If that’s something that interests you, join me in discovering what that means in the 21st century.
Want to show your affection for the written word? You can buy your official R45 Doot Doot Tee at Guitar Nut Tees.