Written Word Wednesday with Radio 45’s Gary Bickerstaff
Written Word Wednesday! Musings from the front with a deep understanding of — and respect for — language in all it’s many forms.
There’s an obvious overlap between the written word & songwriting. Or is there…?
If you read Bono’s new book, which I highly recommend, you would think the transition from songwriter to author is an easy one. So maybe the reverse can be true.
Not so fast. In my first column, I talked about how, if my life had taken a different turn, I might have become a writer instead of a musician; as if the two were mutually exclusive. When I was a younger man, I tried my hand at songwriting. The results, in my opinion, were a bit mixed.
To be sure, writing, & songwriting (pairing the written word with music, and rhythm), are two different things. Not to get too technical, but (I was an English major after all) poetry and prose don’t always pour from the same tap. (Fun fact: I’m also a beer lover).
With that said, Radio 45 has provided me with a fresh opportunity to engage the writer in me to write pieces like this; and to once again dip my toes into the waters of songwriting. I’m grateful for the chance to see if those muscles still work. Let’s see where that leads.

Want to show your affection for the written word? You can buy your official R45 Doot Doot Tee at Guitar Nut Tees.