Written Word Wednesday with Radio 45’s Gary Bickerstaff
Written Word Wednesday! Musings from the front with a deep understanding of — and respect for — language in all it’s many forms.

I missed my calling. Not really. Well, sort of. Let me explain...
I’ve always loved music. I was surrounded by it as a kid. My parents always had the radio on, and actual (vinyl) records on the stereo hi-fi (they were actually called that). I grew up in the Church, so there was always music there.
Playing music was all I ever wanted to do. I am so fortunate to have been able to make that a reality. I’m not famous, or rich, but my job is also my hobby. And it brings me happiness. Even joy. I’m very grateful.
Later in life, though, I developed a real love of reading. Not just reading, but books; having them around is as important to me as always having music available. The more I read, the more I want to read. Books, magazines, all kinds of writing. Fiction and non-fiction, novels, politics and sports. I have many favorite Christian writers as well.
My love of writing eventually became a desire to become a writer myself; just like listening to music led me to becoming a musician, and a performer. The weird thing is, I really kind of took to it. Very early on it started to feel natural to me in a way that was similar to how music makes me feel. It’s hard to explain, but in some ways, I feel like in an alternate universe, I may have become a writer instead of a musician. But I’m happy that things worked out the way they did.
Even so, I sometimes wonder what would have happened if things had gone a different way. So did I “miss my calling”? I don’t think so. But in a parallel universe, maybe my calling would have been different. It’s a fascinating thought for me. One I’d like to contemplate, along with who knows what else, on Written Word Wednesday. Please join me on my journey (sort of an inside joke you will understand if you continue to lend me a bit of your time).
Want to show your affection for the written word? You can buy your official R45 Doot Doot Tee at Guitar Nut Tees.