It’s inevitable! Sooner or later you’re going to find yourself at a Radio 45 show.
Multiple options for buying tickets are available for every show. Usually, Radio 45 will be able to offer tickets at the lowest possible cost to you.
We can help save some coin on ticket prices — and make the entire process much more convenient.
About VIP Fan Direct Discount Tickets
Radio 45 / SodaPop Records secure a block of tickets for every event, whenever possible.
We make those tickets available to VIP fans at a special discount price. Tickets purchased through our VIP Fan Direct program can be mailed to you upon request (no charge) or held at Will Call.
There is no cost or obligation to buy tickets through this program.

How To Buy Discount Tickets
Three Easy Steps
- Point your web browser at www.radio45.net/tickets
- Select a Show
- Place Your Order
A digital receipt will be mailed to you immediately. Physical printed tickets can be mailed to you upon request (no charge) or held at Will Call at the venue.
Safe Purchase Pledge
Radio 45 merchant processing features state-of-the-art security. Credit Card security and privacy details are area below.

Radio 45 Web Site Security and Privacy
Radio 45 takes the privacy and digital security of fans, ticket and music buyers, and visitors to our web sites very seriously.
radio45.net and affiliated sites (radio45.rocks, petty45.com) are secured via industry standard SSL encryption. Detailed about this secure connection can be viewed by clicking or tapping on the padlock in the URL above.
Credit Card transactions placed on our web sites are processed through WooCommerce and Stripe. Your credit card information is never stored on our web sites, and cannot be accessed or viewed any member of Radio 45 or SodaPop Records Limited (SodaPop, LLC.)
Your information entered on our web sites is never shared with a third party, per our Privacy Policy.